
The Boire Filler Group is heavily involved in many industry associations. Below is a list of the primary organizations we are involved with and the scope of our contribution.

Scope of contribution:

Member since 1999
The Boire Filler Group has been a long standing member of the CMA. Over the years, we have contributed by leading various data mining seminars, authoring numerous white papers including Best Practices in Data Mining and Customer Profitability: State of the Nation, awards judging, and chairing many database marketing conferences, councils, and task forces on Data Management and the privacy implications to marketers.

Currently, Richard Boire is Chair of the Marketing Technology and Database Intelligence Committee and involved in a series of privacy seminars across the country focusing on PIPEDA’s impact to marketers.

Scope of contribution:

Member since 2002
The Boire Filler Group contributes to the curriculum planning and lecturing for the P. CRM Certificate Program. Larry Filler is a standing Member of the Board.

Customer Strategy Network

Scope of contribution:

Member since 2008
The Customer Strategy Network is a professional organization comprised of recognized leaders in the marketing services industry. This international consortium of independent marketing experts shares experience, local market knowledge, best practices, and distinct points of view to bring an unprecedented level of strategic guidance and operating support to customer facing organizations around the world.
The Customer Strategy Network is founded on the pillars of solution independence, cross border understanding, and delivery and measurement of actionable marketing strategies by its members serving a wide range of objectives including: acquisition, retention, loyalty, performance improvement, and promotional campaigns. The Boire Filler Group is a credited network provider of data analytics and contributing member of the Customer Strategy Network.

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